Friday, May 23, 2014

The Park

The dog park. It's been written and foretold by many an expert that dogs need good socialization as a young pup all the way through the years in order to not eat people's faces off. While this may be true, I use it because I am lazy. If my dog spends a few hours running around and I don't have to walk her, I consider that time well spent. Plus, the people at the dog park never ask about me personally and I don't ask intruding questions about them, all our conversations stems around our dogs. Like parents at the playground only better.
Normally though, I just bring a book. 
But, my pups tend to take after their owner and they will sit with me and demand pets if I don't stand up and at least attempt to socialize. I love dogs though, so it never truly bothers me. In fact I love all creatures and would much rather spend my time with them than any two legged human.

Where I was going with this long intro though, was this one time at the park there was this lady and she had a little yappy dog and a tiny kid in a stroller. As luck would have her tiny mutt managed to squeeze through a gap in the fencing and took off down the street. The woman was torn between her small baby and the small dog. And of course I was the only one at the park at that time and I am a woman so therefore must love small children.

So she takes off, flinging the gate wide open to chase after her runaway dog leaving me with her spawn. My book is far more interesting than this baby but using what common sense I have, I figure it would be wisest to at least look like I am a reliable on the fly babysitter.
And then Frodo said, "I will take the ring to Mordor."

What do you do with a baby.  I know you are supposed to ask the owner's permission before the first contact. Do you let them smell the back of your hand so they get your scent? In the end I told the little human to sit and stay and it did a very good job, much better than my own furry children. The woman was immensely grateful. She did finally catch her dog and she and the baby went to a different area. I finished my book and the dogs slept well that night so I guess it all turned out okay.

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