Saturday, May 31, 2014

How To Read Your Introvert

NO. Not that kind of read. We have a story to write. 

I have three emotions. Anxious, not anxious and furious. There is no in between. It's always on of the three. For most people the difference is hard to well differenciate. I'm here to help you decipher which of the three your personal introvert is feeling at the moment.

It's all in the eyes. I have large, expressive eyes and there normal expression is a deer in the headlights look. If I appear confused and lost people will take pity on me, which is nice.
Note the "near tears" look and the position of the eyebrows.
Now, this is my normal face. I pretty much look like that all the time. Occasionally something happens that makes me happy. This is rare occurrence and always a joy to witness. I hate it. I get cheek cramps from the smile. Stupid facial muscles.
My face hurts just looking at this picture. 
And then there is furious. I don't get upset, I don't get mad. I go straight to "angry enough to break your face." When this happens I tend to get asked if I am uncomfortable. Do I need to take a break? Is there anything they can do to calm my fears?
Again, note the eyebrow changes

Fears, what fears. I'm not scared or anxious, I'm enraged beyond all rationale thought. My thoughts are hardly ever rationale though, so I'm not sure how much weight that statement carries. Speaking of weight I could probably stand to lose some. Standing, I'm tired of standing? Are we gonna ever sit down in this class. Sitting down would be nice. Nice...nice. Oh yeah I'm not being nice. I was mad about something. Can't remember what is was now. Hmmm. 

No I'm not alright. I can't remember what made me angry. But since you're here I guess I can take it out on you. No, wait that's not fair. 

So when I turn around, I look all lost and confused. Mostly because I am and then it becomes a big deal. They'll try to hug me. They always do that. I don't know why.
My name is not Olaf and I do not like warm hugs.

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